by mitsubamushi(by みつばむし)

当頁はby みつばむし(のメモです。毎週土曜日更新予定。

Reference 4.4.7

 ふと気づくとSonarworks Referenceが4.4.7になっていたので、毎度のOffline Downloadsから「Sonarworks Reference 4 Studio Edition」(390MB)を頂戴して更新。更新内容は↓

Reference 4.4 Release Notes
Release notes for 4.4.7
Date of release: 04/02/2021


・[macOS] Changes in virtual audio device to comply with Big Sur update
・[macOS] Fixed an issue of missing audio driver after the installation or update process
・[Win] Fixed the issue of Systemwide crashing if the output device has Unicode characters in its name
・Changed an outdated link for offline activation feature
・Fixed an issue with the Listening Spot feature being disabled when the user enables it, and vice versa. It now works as advertised
・Fixed an issue of Safe Headroom not being applied after creating a preset
・Fixed the occasional issue of Systemwide not launching unless the configuration file is deleted


・[macOS] Fixed an issue of Reference plugin crashing a DAW if Dry/Wet value is modified
・Fixed an issue with the Listening Spot feature being disabled when the user enables it, and vice versa. It now works as advertised


Reference 4 Systemwide。