by mitsubamushi(by みつばむし)

当頁はby みつばむし(のメモです。毎週土曜日更新予定。

Reference 4.4.2

 ふとこちらを見るとSonarworks Reference 4 Headphone editionが4.4.2になっている模様。こないだと同様、まずはSystemwideを起動して「Check for update」しても4.4.1を教えてくれないで「最新版だ」と言い張り、それではとダウンロード頁に行くと…あら?何故か4.4.1のまま。頁の更新が遅れてるのかしらと思いつつ更新内容を確認すると↓

Reference 4.4.2 Release Notes
Date of release: 19/12/2019


・Added support for assigning MIDI controls to bypass button, preset selection and Mono mode
・Systemwide backs up the configuration file if it fails to migrate the old settings to a new version of the application
・Added an audio logging feature in Settings – Audio
・Added a “Provide feedback” option in Systemwide
・Added a dialogue when switching between ASIO and WASAPI modes. This can be disabled in Settings – Notifications
・More information added during onboarding regarding XREF 20 microphones
・Added a description for the Safety buffer feature in Audio Settings
・Added units to selectable values in Settings – Audio
・Headphone profile list now includes all profiles for headphones with multiple modes
・[Win] When clicking on taskbar icon, Systemwide window is minimized, if already opened
・Fixed the low resolution SW icon in tray menu
・Fixed visual issues with various curves represented in Systemwide UI
・Fixed the default channels selected for an output device when creating new presets
・[macOS] Fixed Systemwide not launching on startup in some cases
・Fixed an issue with gain control once Safe Headroom is enabled
・Fixed some buggy behaviour of the onboarding survey that appears after listening to some audio
・Fixed the automatic channel population when creating a new preset
・[macOS] Fixed an issue that caused Systemwide to not recognize a previously connected device
・Removed “Reference 4 Trial” text from UI if a valid Headphone Edition of Reference is activated
・Some minor fixes in design, texts and functionality


・Added a “Provide feedback” option in Reference Plugin
・Fixed an issue which caused Studio One 4 to freeze when transforming several tracks to audio
・Minor fixes in texts


・More information added during onboarding regarding XREF 20 microphones
・Fixed a bug that sometimes caused debug mode to crash the application


 『Headphone profile list now includes all profiles for headphones with multiple modes』とのことでプロファイルが変わったのかと4.2.2で更新してみたら、297ファイルで変わらず。一方、対応ヘッドホンに載っている「1MORE」のファイルはダウンロードされてなかったけど、4.4.1ではWeb上のプロファイルの存在を確認。むぅ、4.2.2でプロファイルをまとめて頂戴する方法は通用しなくなったのかも。