by mitsubamushi(by みつばむし)

当頁はby みつばむし(のメモです。毎週土曜日更新予定。


 こないだに続いて「ヘッドホンでスピーカー風」ネタ向けなプラグインKVRで物色。お世話になっているSonarworks Reference紹介頁Headphone Calibrator / Simulatorなるタグと出逢い、こちらdSONIQ RealphonesこちらToneBoosters Morphitと出逢ったが、面白そだけと用途が違う気もする。こちらRaising Jake Studios製プラグインな「Cans2Cones」は『Headphone to Speaker Emulator』とのことなので、頂戴してお試し。


 『Cans2Cones reduces the "superstereo" effect of headphones by generating cross-mixed Interaural Time and Amplitude Differences (ITD and IAD) for left and right ears. 』とのことで、インストールは不要とゆーかダウンロードした「」(11.4MB)を解凍して「Cans2ConesxDemo.vst3」(2.06MB)を取り出してVST3フォルダに入れるだけ。『demo version is fully functional but output level drops at random intervals』なので度々音が小さくなるが、それ以外の制限は無いみたい。曲を流しつつプリセットを試した印象では、サブウーハー無しだと近い順に低音が減り、サブウーハー付きだとフラットっぽい。付属のPDF取説からサブウーハーの解説を転記すると↓

G – Subwoofer – with this control greyed out (“OFF”) a scaled low-cut filter is applied to the signal to replicate the response of speakers typically used in the shown positions. In the Far-field position the cutoff begins at 20Hz (little effect on most material); Mid-field 40Hz and Near-field 60Hz. This filter’s frequency is variable and automatically scales for all distances in between. When heighted in green (“ON”) a full bandwidth signal appears at the output as if a carefully adjusted subwoofer was in the system.



 GUI左下の「Dynamic De-compression」の解説は↓

E – Dynamic De-compression – this control affects the amount of de-compression (expansion) applied to the signal making the sound appear more "dry" and dynamic - like it would through speakers played in open space. More effect to the right, less to the left. Full left is off (no effect).
