by mitsubamushi(by みつばむし)

当頁はby みつばむし(のメモです。毎週土曜日更新予定。

Synclavier V 2.0 あんど DN-12020交換依頼

 Arturia Synclavier Vが2.0になり、V Collectionも6.2になったとのメールを頂戴していたので、Arturia Software Center(ASC)を起動して、これまで頂戴していたデモ版も含めて一通り更新。

 Synclavier Vは私の手持ちのV Collection 5に含まれているので、デモ版でなく完全版の無料更新(^_^)新機能(New features)は↓

・KeyLab MK2 Integration
・Clicking on the preset browser "Clear All" button now scrolls back the result list to its top
・Resynthesis with up to 100 analysis points
・Sample playback mode
・New copy/paste modes : only one selected tab or all tabs
・New opening mode for hardware upper panel by clicking on top
・More template presets with a HQ Simple Sine
・Presets leveling and assignation of modwheel and sustain pedal
・All former settings page parameters are now stored in presets


・Reworked preset leveling and consistency
・Time line improvements :
・50 additional frames (100 in total)
・Frame speed offset (global)
・Frame tuning parameter addition
・Loop mode
・Frames can now be synced to host BPM grid
・Ability to move only one frame on the timeline by Shift + Drag
・Solo/Copy/Paste/Delete workflow rework for timeline
・Modulations' tab improvements : addition of Vibrato and Stereo LFO, Amp and Harm envelope as modulation sources
・Keys dynamics improvements : choose Keyboard, Velocity or Modwheel as input sources
・Cosmetics improvements : LFOs in screen view, envelopes global offsets, tabs order, merge FX and setting pages, timeline real time feedback, ruler auto-zoom, envelopes and timeline bound scroll
・Harmonic phase histograms are nowd isplay in degree (-179°/+180°)

 ↑で、不具合修正(Bug fixes)は↓

・Flanger FX doesn't cause crash on Cubase on Windows 7 anymore.
・Polyphonic modes normal and retrig are inverted
・User MIDI configuration is now properly recalled when loaded from an external file
・Fixed an issue where you had to click twice on the empty MIDI configuration to properly select it
・Default MIDI configuration is now properly working
・No more white flash when resizing our instruments inside macOS applications in AU
・Various Komplete Kontrol / Maschine improvement
・No more crash when a "Song Select" message is received
・No more cracks and glitches appearing when modifying effects dry/wet parameters.
・User preset saving feature is now working properly
・No more duplicated presets
・Live 10 doesn't crash anymore when browsing preset from AU version
・Resizing the plugin window don't open the export bank popup for some users anymore
・No more crash when switching instruments on a track in FL Studio on macOS


Synclavier V 2.0

 Cubaseを起動したついでに昨日到着したDN-12020 (重低音 ウッドハウジング カナル型イヤホン)も鳴らしてみたら、左右が逆になってるみたい。左右のハウジングの形状は同じみたいなので使い方で回避可だけど、いちおー念のためダメ元でサポートフォームで交換依頼してみる。