by mitsubamushi(by みつばむし)

当頁はby みつばむし(のメモです。毎週土曜日更新予定。

Voicemeeter Pre-Release Version

 こちら経由でUPDATES SEPTEMBER 2022 Next Level Sound ProcessingVoicemeeterの「Pre-Release Version」と出逢う。以前から度々眺めていたこちらで更新自体は知っていたし、こちらも目にしていたけど、Discordで公開しているみたいで手を出してなかったのよね。今回は先のページからダウンロードokなので、とりあへづ頂戴しておく。

Voicemeeter Potato 3025。

Download the Pre-Release Version。


・「The ASIO driver validation engine, which is driving VoiceMeeter´s audio performance and overall incredible feature set, was re-engineered. So you can expect significant stability improvements!」
・「Compressor & Gate Full control from the channel strip.」
・「we offer a Denoiser on each hardware input to let you remove the noise floor of your Microphone.」

 ↑や、「Click here to see a list of all fixes and new features in the update」に載っている↓

・Optimized ASIO DRIVER Validation (Re-engineered DLL)
・Optimized VOICEMEETER AUDIO CALLBACK validation (Re-engineered DLL).
・VIRTUAL ASIO DRIVER: Re-engineered to support timing callback error from master audio device. This modification concerns Virtual ASIO driver and our Remote Audio Callback and is expected to improve the stream stability for any connected DAW or any APA (like our 15 band graphic EQ, 8×8 Gain matrix or even Equalizer APO for example)


・EQ 6 Band Full parametric EQ is now offering a new gain range -36 to +18 dB and can be applied to hardware input (Voicemeeter Potato Only).
・New Multiband Compressor C5 as INTERNAL FX: Delay can be replaced by the new C5-Limiter (Potato-only – in system settings dialog box).

 ↑もあるらしい。「Compressor & Gate Full control from the channel strip.」と「we offer a Denoiser on each hardware input to let you remove the noise floor of your Microphone.」には「Potato Only」らしき記述が見当たらないのでBananaでも対応していると嬉しい(^_^)

Compressor & Gate Full control from the channel strip.
we offer a Denoiser on each hardware input to let you remove the noise floor of your Microphone.

 ちなみに、「Pre-Release Version」で頂戴したのはPotato用の「」(59.1MB)で、念のため現行の「」(45.3MB)も頂戴しておく。インストール時に再起動が要るので更新作業はまた後日。蛇足ながら、Bananaがあまり高機能になると無料使用の制限が強くなるかもなのでちょっと心配だったり(^_^;